Register for Employment
You can register with IOGTA for employment opportunities free of charge – simply bring in a copy of your resume, proof of identity and any qualifications you may have. No matter how old or if they have expired!
We will go through your short and long-term career goals, determine your eligibility for government assistance, discuss if further training or skills will be of benefit to you and match you to available vacancies.
Simply send us an email with your resume attached, walk in and drop it off, or use the Registration Form below.
Centrelink Job Seekers
Are you on income support from Services Australia such as Job Seeker, Age Pension, Disability, Carer Allowance or Parenting Payment?
We can provide assistance with returning to work, studying or participating in worthwhile community activities like learning English or digital technology classes.
Job seekers eligible for government assistance will receive support in:
Application writing or resume preparation
Improving interview skills
Accessing employment websites
Making contacts with employers / networking
Identifying employment barriers and training requirements
Utilising our job search facilities
Accessing fully funded vocational training
Get in touch to find out if you are eligible for free assistance from IOGTA and allow us to assist you in rejoining the workforce.
Participants on Centrelink's Job Seeker program who are unable to find employment may be required to take part in the Community Development Program as part of their Mutual Obligations
Apprenticeships/ Traineeships
Apprenticeships and Traineeships are referred to as Group Training by Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) and IOGTA offers group training services like no other in Australia.
Not only do we employ and place apprentices with industry host employers as regular group training organisations do, we also provide support to employers who choose to employ their apprentices directly.
Find out more about our Apprenticeships on our Group Training page.

Community Development Program
IOGTA is the sole CDP provider for the Indian Ocean Territories and assists with:
application writing or updating resumes;
improving interview skills;
utilising the job search website;
making contacts with employers / networking;
identifying employment barriers and training requirements; and
accessing fully funded vocational training.
The Community Development Program has a ‘jobs first’ approach that helps job seekers build the foundation skills they need to take up available jobs need in the community.
The program also ensures that people who are not working are actively participating in community activities and contributing to the community wellbeing.
The key features include:
‘On the ground’ assistance from a single provider with a permanent presence in the Indian Ocean Territories.
Personalised support including access to skills development and training that meets job seekers needs and responds to job opportunities.
Funding activities that will help job seekers address obstacles and barriers that are preventing them from holding down a job, as well as to build the skills necessary for getting a job.
If you would like to register for the CDP Program
please click the Apply Now button below: